Balticbest 2018
Balticbest 2018

Helping a boutique festival of creativity go global

Balticbest is a boutique festival consisting of a conference and awards show – but now open for entries beyond the Baltic states, from all small countries with population less than 5 million.

With this change of concept came the need for a new identity that speaks both to design and advertising communities, but not just locally. Something, that universally celebrates small countries – and big ideas.

And: the identity itself needed to be bigger than just an identity, working as a marketing campaign too.

Consequently we made Balticbest bbolder than ever, creating a brand new, copy driven visual identity that is simple yet powerful. Playing with industry clichés, relying on the power of repetition, but at the same time constantly adding new layers and twists.

Bb there or bb square, we said – and they did come:
“To be honest, we attended because of the new identity!”
– &andstudio.
Balticbest 2018