Perfil de Laura Collins

Logo / branding design - Watson Electronics rebrand


Watson electronics is a family owned business which has been operating since 1984. They specialise in equipment repair for a wide variety of companies. Their workshop has little in the way of brand identity, with only a banner out the front displaying their logo. Their other promotional material is rather old and in need of some work.

As their logo is their main brand feature and it is quite old, my client thought this would be an interesting element to redesign. Their logo is featured in their other promotional material. The client asked that the final logo design be placed on a business card.


- Corporate / businesslike
- Simple
- Text-based
- Recognisable for old customers
Concept Sketches and Mockups
I created some logo concepts based on the specifications my client had given me. I came up with five different concepts which are shown below. Some were slightly altered versions of the same design. From this selection, the client liked concept one, however gave some suggestions to improve concept five also.
Final Concept
Based on the feedback and suggestions received from the above design concepts, the designs were narrowed down to the two my client mentioned and reworked these. The designs below are different versions of these two concepts which I presented to my client.
This project was created in 2017 by Laura Collins
Thank you!
Logo / branding design - Watson Electronics rebrand
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Logo / branding design - Watson Electronics rebrand

Logo redesign and business cards for Watson Electronics

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