We Don’t See Things As They Are, 
We See Them As We Are.

Information has been increased. In today's increasingly complex world, our brain needs places where it can have a long rest, more than ever. So, I’ve stopped my life between 2008 and 2009. No design, nothing for one year after I finished my thesis in 2008. 

Then I missed design. And realized that I had no customer those days.Now please consider yourself as a child and you were forced to live separate from all your toys. Then one year later, you ended up in a toy store with no money in your pocket. 
Well now, what would you do? Would you give up toys and playing with them or create a new game using sand at beach?

Well I did that too and after relaxing for one year, I realized that, the most beautiful feeling is being your own customer . Then I started giving orders to myself which I could produce.

This TEDx talk shows some of my projects in detail which I did after 2009.
Please watch the talk to learn more. If you like it, please share! 
Thanks for all your support.


My TEDx Talk


My TEDx Talk
