Robba SCs profil

Bona Fide Pomade Design Collection

B O N A F I D E   P O M A D E   •   D E S I G N   W O R K S

Hello People!  These are the Design Works i have made for Bona Fide Pomade at Santa Ana California. They are an American-made, family owned business founded in 2012 that specialize on high quality pomades and oils to rock the hair and beard industry.
I  was approached by them in 2016 to expand the apparel side of their brand with some t-shirt designs and well, long story short, being working with them ever since.

Im very glad and proud of the work we have done until today and love to see they are thriving in their business and rockin my designs in the best possible way, with happy customers :) 

Thanks to Luis Moreno for contacting me and trusting my work back then and still. 
Cheers brother!!!

Ohh and i have indeed tried their products and let me tell you, they are gooooooood!!
Check them at

Bona Fide Pomade Design Collection


Bona Fide Pomade Design Collection
