Jump's profile

We are looking for the partners

Project title: Equalize me
Type: Youth exchange
Number of participants: 35
Place: Sopotnica, Prijepolje, Serbia 
Organizer: JUMP
This is a 6 days youth exchange connected with European citizenship and inclusion of young people in a sense of make aware todays youth about meaning of European. We are people of Europe and we want to bring youngster from non EU and EU countries and to talk about inclusion, equality on the European level. Most of the young people in Europe are not aware about being European and to make difference about European Union and Europe itself. What are the challenging in Europe regarding inclusion and equality? What is culture and what is intercultural? How to ensure solidarity in Europe ? What is the EU and how to bring closer EU to non EU youngsters. Those are the questions that we want to answer during the exchange using photography as a tool and put young people to think in creative way.
Photo from Cusco, Peru by JUMP
To become partner on our project, please follow easy steps: 
1. Download "Identification of partner" document - Pls fill out in Word and just send to us (leave it editable, so without scanning)
2. Download "Equalize me preliminary agreement" - Pls fill it, signed it, stamp it (if possible), scan it and send to  e-mail adress of our collegue Bojana: bojana1286@yahoo.com
Who can be partner?
Programme Countries (27 EU Member States, EEA/EFTA countries, Croatia, Switzerland, Turkey) and  neighbouring  partner countries
e-mail for sending documents: bojana1286@yahoo.com
Deadline: 26. Jan 2013. 
e-mail for support: jumporganization@gmail.com
To become partner on more JUMP projects please follow us on our facebook page
We are searching for a partner interested in our project with enough capacity to fulfill partner role and especially provide enough number of participants who are willing to join Equalize me. 
We are looking for the partners

We are looking for the partners

We are looking for the partners


Creative Fields