Year Two - Final Major Project
For my final major project, we were given the opportunity to freely create out own brief. We could choose what ever wanted to do. My proposed idea for this project was based around music promotion. As I have an interest in music. To create a deluxe box for the Electronic/Ambient DJ, The Field’s’ From Here We Go Sublime album for Record Store Day. An annual event where exclusive releases of vinyl are sold. These are the outcomes, deluxe box for the fan which would include 12 inch vinyl, CD cover with booklet, promotional material. The artwork I wanted to link the feel and atmosphere, the music creates and express my perception of the non lyric songs in a geometric abstract way. The final outcomes were the following, the deluxe box which includes the record sleeve design, CD  case design with booklet, t-shirt design, stickers and photographs of artwork for the fan. I also created a poster design displaying the release date which is ‘Out Now’, also a mockup of the album cover applied to Deezer. I believe that the artwork displayed is relevant to the songs on the track. It’s my perception of what I see and feel when I listened to the album. 

The target audience, I believe this record sleeve design would suit the target audience of 18 to 50 year olds. Who go to festivals and enjoy a thriving club scene, also for people who want to chill out/relax. For people who want to whine down from a busy day, for people who listen to House/Electronic radio stations. A wide audience,  anyone could listen to it as its instrumental with no lyrics. Older people who were into the Electro scenes back in the 90’s and previous. The audience is global, anyone around the world can listen to instrumental music. The target audience is open minded. Of any age. The tracks would be played at after parties.

The Logo Identity
The record sleeve design 
The final outcomes displayed at the exhibition
The album booklet layout
The mock up of the booklet and CD outcomes 
The promotional poster 
The 12 inch vinyl sleeve
The visual language applied to mockup transport posters
Mock up of the album cover on Deezer
The visual language applied to a t shirt
Thanks for watching
I apologise for the low resolution on the images, I will fix this soon
Record Sleeve Design
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Record Sleeve Design

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