Piotr Kaźmierczaks profilProwling Wolvess profil

HTD Developers

HTD is a healthcare design and software development agency. Our mission is to improve patient outcomes for every dollar spent. We focus on designing and building software that improves efficiency for the healthcare system as a whole.

Project done, together with 

Horizontal scroll, one page website.
A. Desktop
A. 720 + 360
A. Navigation
A. Changes
A. Contact
B. Changes
B. Subpages
Section Custom Software.
+ 3 subsections (vertical scroll)

Section Createive Solutions.
+ 2 subsections (vertical scroll)

Section Strategy & Operations.
+ 3 subsections (vertical scroll)
Section Showcase.

B. Navigation 2.0
B. Scroll
For subpages with subsections. 
Responsive. 360 x 1680
HTD Developers

HTD Developers
