Liefergrün / SendIt.Green
Liefergrün / Send it Green
Brand design system
Liefergrün (Sendit.Green) is the sustainable, customer-oriented shipping solution for e-commerce and ship-from-store. Designing a fresh and flexible brand identity which would answer to sustainability, but also could be used in the same form on different international markets and therefore, different languages.

The tools which were used here are simple: strong typography, dynamic logo in multiple graphic forms & a flexible layout which can work on different formats and media. Also choosing a vibrant green color was a must for the brand to be well visible on the streets.

The brand design system was based on fresh saturated green & simple shapes with a built-in meaning. The shapes can be use instead of the logo, but also - in a larger scale, as an important part of the layout.

Guidelines designed for the brand describe in detail the ways these tools can be used throughout the designs created for Liefergrün.

A flexible visual identity system can be easily applied to different media and one created for Liefergrün is no different. 

The main elements of the brand design were used not only in digital, but also in printed brand collateral, on vehicles, clothing, etc. with saturated green being the most recognizable element of the brand.

After vast brand workshops with the Liefergrün team, we processed the whole wireframing part of the website, mobile and the product, based on the information we gathered. 

"Our vision is to make sustainability possible for everyone without having to do without. That is why we are building an emission-free and, above all, customer-oriented Last Mile that offers an entirely new delivery experience."

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Liefergrün / SendIt.Green

Liefergrün / SendIt.Green

Liefergrün (Sendit.Green) is a sustainable, customer-oriented shipping solution for e-commerce and ship-from-store. Designing a fresh and flexibl Read More
