Profil Li Xuan Tan

Game Design II - Combat Forklift Simulator

Combat Forklift Simulator 
Main role: Programmer

This was for Game Design 2 module in school. We wanted to make a humorous game where the player plays as a forklift protecting its owner from death by zombies. 

Hence we made it into a forklift simulator x tower defence game. As we only had 3 months, it proves quite a challenge
This is the forklift, white capsules are the enemies (we didn't have enough time to get the model out for it, pity), and your worker is in the office. Thinking back about it, we could have done a lot more for the environment if we actually have enough time; like putting barricade boards on the office shed, have broken windows, etc.
We also have a vending machine that dispenses turret cubes for the player to collect and place. To slow the enemies down, we have stasis cubes as well, that gives an area-of-effect slow to the enemies within range. We have the classic mine as well, so it detonates after a delay when it detects enemies within range. 
If your worker survives the time limit, you win and continue on to the next stage. Else, you can choose to retry this stage again. 

As much as the idea sounded fun, it turned out very frustrating to play. Final feedbacks that came back was that we either make it more forgiving on the forklift simulator portion so that players could focus on setting down turrets, or make the tower defence portion easier so that players can focus on being the forklift. 
Game Design II - Combat Forklift Simulator

Game Design II - Combat Forklift Simulator
