Saxon website
Part of the challenge with the new Saxon website was creating a visually engaging, content-rich website that anyone would want to use regularly, and that also gives the user a sense of the distinctive Saxon experience online.
In order to achieve this, we needed to create fresh content in line with the refreshed digital look and feel. We produced and shot a year’s worth of content with Bryan Traylor of Locker 14 in four days. The shoot began with two intense days of high-end fashion on location in and around the Saxon. Legendary stylist, Robert Bell, and talented make-up artist Marilyn Du Preez of Hunter Management, ensured our models exuded the same sophistication as the hotel’s guests and the hotel itself. We then spent two mouth-watering days documenting the new food philosophies of the Saxon’s Executive Chef David Higgs, a stunning visual journey through their kitchens and delectable new menus.
An integral part of the brief was to highlight Johannesburg as a culturally vibrant destination city. This, along with a reason to visit the site regularly, comes in the form of a world-first, an events-orientated search engine integrated into the new website. As you enter the intended dates of your stay, the search engine offers up cultural activities and events, for example, art gallery openings and concerts in Johannesburg and the greater Gauteng area for the duration of your stay. It is updated in real time so anyone could use this search engine as their regular events calendar to keep themselves at the forefront of the Johannesburg social calendar.
Saxon website design

Saxon website design

New Saxon website design and development.


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