Daniel McGurty sin profil

En fri kvinna hotar mannen

En Fri Kvinna Hotar Mannen Is a short student-produced film project based in Edinburgh, in the Summer of 2012. Directed & Produced by Armando Grant (see picture, great guy btw) I worked on the soundtrack along with colleague, style guru and occasional Guitarist/Multi-Instrumentalist/Composer (the list goes on), George Gunn. The soundtrack mixes traditional composition (use of motif, traditional instrumentation etc...) with elements of electronic & digital composition (use of audio sampling, synthesized sound) and soundscape techniques.
The film is littered with references to the great director, Ingmar Bergman, notably taking Swedish as its adopted language, moreover however in the Gothic set, aesthetic and frequent references to religious imagery.
Pretty dark, eh?

En fri kvinna hotar mannen

En fri kvinna hotar mannen

En fri kvinna hotar mannen is a short student-produced film project based in Edinburgh over the Summer of 2012, for which I provided the Music/So Se mer
