Paloma Rincón sin profil

Broken Heart
Broken Heart. A series about fragility and a truncated love story using flowers in a symbolic way. 
I shot this group of images for my workshop at Madrid Photo Fest combining High Speed Photography with frozen flowers in liquid nitrogen. 
Liquid Nitrogen evaporates at -200 ºC and when immersing the flowers on it they become fragile as glass. We used laser sensors to coordinate the exact moment when the flowers hit the surface and exploded to have perfect synchronization with the camera. It was a challenging and super fun project to do! 

Photography and Set Design by  Paloma Rincón
Produced by Workshop Experience
Assitants: Sergio Borondo, Germán Arbós and Jessica Rodriguez
Special Effects: Alucine TV
postproduction: Paloma Rincón
Behind the Scenes images: Madrid Photo Fest
Thanks to the PhaseOne team for the support and the festival organization and attendees.

Thanks so much for your appreciations! 

Follow my Work
Instagram: @paloma_rincon_
Facebook: Paloma Rincon

Broken Heart

Broken Heart

Broken Heart. A series about fragility and a truncated love story using flowers in a symbolic way.  I shot this group of images for my workshop a Se mer
