This was the first project we had in the 3rd year of Uni. The title was to produce a Typographic solution to what our Dissertations will be about. 
As my Dissertation is on 'How design through packaging persuades the consumer to purchase the product,' I chose to create something using the words associated with Packaging. 
The concept was to create a typographic poster that expressed what my Dissertation was going to be about. I chose to find words that were associated with Packaging and place them in the box. The box represented an object that we associate Packaging with. I also thought of how we say 'Think outside the box' and decided that placing the words inside the box would make the viewer 'Think inside the box,' meaning what actually does ths packaging protect. 
To top it off i printed the image on to Recycled paper. The reason being was, that my Dissertation also has some information on the Recycling of Packaging.
A red and Green printed versions.
Dissertation Poster

Dissertation Poster

Create a Typographic Poster to express what my Dissertation is on.
