Writing & editorial design                                                                                             


Match point

I will try to describe myself as precisely as possible. Accuracy is crucial as you know.

To be honest, I fear words.

Words are not only meaning, there are intentions, there are actions. In the light of our own perception, a wrong word could lead to a war.

A mispelling, a misinterpreted word, and the lines get blurred, as if emotions have replaced rationality. Sometimes, I would like to think that language is a tennis match and « when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back ».

As Eva Illouz, a professor of sociology, may pursue, language is an architecture, and we are always walking between moving walls.

Am I a simple text, a thumbnail on Facebook or a pixel on a random webpage ?

I also like to think that writing is a consequence of language, writing is a failure, a failure that noticed me that I am part of chaos with the expectation of one day « giving birth of a dancing star ».

As we like to hide in plain sight, I will try to describe me in a few words: I am an enthusiastic intermediary between complex thoughts, inspirational ideas and writing, always looking to marvel in front of words. 
I am a tenacious tennis player.
Getting ready to failure but always moving on.

Text: Ismaël Jouhari
Design: Pauline Mischler
Photo: Match Point (Woody Allen, 2005)
Typefaces: Garamond, Roboto, Helvetica Neue
Match Point

Match Point

When the ball hits the net
