Album cover front
Album cover back
Promo poster
Album and poster artwork created for the band, Spoon. The alt-rock band has been playing for 20+ years and has a wide demographic. I decided to create a fictional “greatest hits” album because of their longevity, A Series of Hits. Album covers can sometimes be tricky to decipher, so I wanted to design something that would be easily understood, while reminding the listener where the songs originated from. I scanned and cut strips of each album to create a digital collage, using their newest studio album as an outline for the collage. The vinyl album sticker was created in the same way, using scanned letters from  previous album covers. A promotional poster was also designed from the cover artwork for the album’s release.

Album cover & back: 12.25 x 12.25” Poster: 11 x 17”

Album cover design

Album cover design

Album cover design
