Love and respect for animals and the environment. This is the main reason why La Veguita, a brand of food and vegan products, was created.

The challenge was to convey the taste, quality and relevance of the cause in each package. It was important to keep the unfoldings at their maximum potential at all points of contact: point of sale, e-commerce and delivery.

The solution came through illustrations and textures that reinforce the taste appeal that identity seeks while, in parallel,
the copywriting and the verbal identity itself evidence the purpose of La Veguita. And the result is a fresh, relevant and
tasty visual identity.​​​​​​​

LIBRE. Branding & Design – Porto Alegre, RS
HELLO@ESTUDIOLIBRE.COM.BR / +55 51 3072 3001

Design team: Gianlucca Segato, Glaiton Tatsch, Mariana Sartori
Illustration: Mariana Sartori • Copywriter and Planner: Letícia Dallegrave

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La Veguita