LITERARY JOURNAL / 2013 - 2017
In 2013 I found one of those cheap college-ruled composition books
and began to keep a journal of favorite writings from what I was reading.
As the months and years passed I added favorite song lyrics, scenes from
movies and even the spoken word. — I imagined a book that would be by my
bedside where I could have my own private library within reach. After hearing
from people who saw it, that if I ever printed it, could they have a copy... "Hav-
ing an audience makes one try harder", says Casanova on one of the pages
below. So, I filled two composition books as they became a living history of
how my entries grew as I added art for my 'audience'. The design & art
evolved as I eagerly worked between other professional deadlines.
At the age of 63 I was finally creating personal art. Free at Last.

I made 144 entries and here is an 85-page edited edition.

These pages are reminders of the enlightening power
of great writing. And how reading introduces us
to our better selves. To kindle imagination.
To acquire a taste for life-long-learning.
Literature. Art. Music. Philosophy.
Happy New Year! Jan. 1, 2018

Robert Alan Johnson

"Good Friends. Good Books.
A Sleepy Conscience."
- Mark Twain

Thank You for looking...
I will add pages as I produce them!

