Profilo di BunkerType (Jesús Morentin)

HN Werkman Project // The Next Call #02

The Next Call #02
During the interwar turbulent context in which ideological and artistic European groups were closing ranks around new postulates and renovated views, Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman (1882-1945) was a solitary person. Even though he was ideologically sharing the spirit of those movements, he was mainly experimenting with materials of his small letterpress in order to, latterly, develop an expressive language of its own, unique.

Half way between academic work, personal project and  initiation journey,  this research and analysis project turns around this admired character and, more specifically, it focus in the study and reinterpretation of one of his most  paradigmatic work of art; “The Next Call”,  one of the  most audacious European publication of artistic avant-garde of the interwar period from which he edited a total of nine numbers between 1923 and 1926.
This is the interpretaton of the  publication number two. More details and explanation of the interpretation (in Spanish) in the following link:

HN Werkman Project // The Next Call #02