Raul Sergio Gonzalez Herrera's profile

Instituto San Roberto (Mascot & Team Logo)

 Mascot & Sports Team Logo
This was my first official project assigned at RT&A, it was a big time challenge and also my ticket into this agency as a designer, this project defined my future and I got to say, it didn't went all the way as I had in mind, but I'm really pleased with the results.

 Instituto San Roberto (private school) needed a refresh for their sports team logo, since they're called "Venados" (Deers), which sounds kind of "cute", this was a weapon for all their rival teams who called them "Bambi's". They needed a new logo to reflect the other side of a deer, the wild and strong side, also, they needed a mascot that stand out and reflect those attributes in order to stop begin called "Bambi's"; the new logo and mascot needed to represent and make feel pride to all the Instituto San Roberto's community.

 I got to say, this was a challenge to me because I do illustrate, but I'm not an illustrator, so this time my skills were tested to the limit, after a lot of reference, I managed to pull it out, and I'm very pleased with it, so hope you enjoyed as much as I did while doing this project.

First Sketches
First Sketches
First Sketches
The whole process...
other logo proposals...
More logos...
Crest logos
First rough
Stretch legs and neck, change horns, fix waist, and add knuckles...
done but make more outfits...
and more outfits....
first rough...
first rough...
After changing the chest and horns it's done!
Getting the linework together
Plasters without linework
Let's make it vector... dress options
Change shoes and add shorts...
Final selection, new official mascot
Instituto San Roberto (Mascot & Team Logo)

Instituto San Roberto (Mascot & Team Logo)

Character design (Mascot) & Logo
