For this challenge on the Automotive CGI facebook group, all participants were asked to make an image using Rex Fu's Mclaren 570S model, available on GrabCAD.

With the Friendly Shade library available a couple of days after I started on this I thought I would celebrate by using the cracked concrete road texture. This is also very helpful when you have to produce realism with very little time.

Starting with an unprepped car I fixed the things I had time to fix and set up a strong lighting scenario that worked with the shape of the car, highlighted the displacement of the floor and hid the undeveloped areas of the scene.

With nightmarish flashbacks to setting up photon shaders in mental ray, I almost accidentally set up volumetric caustics in V-Ray.
Please ignore the missing buckets, did I mention I had no time to do this.

As with any artificially lit scene it helps to add some 'real' reflections to make the surfaces seem glossy. In this case with an urban night time HDR used only in places I thought necessary.
From this you can see how far my scene extends...

Post production breakdown:
I hope you like it!
Mclaren 570S
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