Panio 21 — Brand Identity

 Inspired by the printing process and based on "PMethod"
—an autobiographical scrap book designed by Positive Problem's co-founder Panio Ventza in 2011—
this brand identity served as a predecessor to Positive Problem Solutions.

Panio21 was born in Athens, Greece. Grew up, studied, worked and developed theories of approaching ideas and concepts in graphic, 
creative, yet rational ways. The process of creating became a mix of mathematical rationality and personal intuition, 
number’s magical world combined with branding and marketing philosophy, added to economical theories, 
subtracted from real choices, multiplied with love and divided into geometric shapes and grids. 
Always kept in mind that “simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful" (John Maeda, The Laws Of Simplicity) 
and the solution showed in a magic way. A mind determined to set even higher objectives and create challenges primarily to itself, 
constantly forming crazy sequences...and constantly trying to solve and simplify the creative mystery of 21. 

But why this obsession with 21?

* We live in the 21st century

* 21 is phi (φ) in Greek alphabet and phi is the symbol of the golden ratio 
(seen in nature’s and architecture’s masterpieces)

* 21 is a Fibonacci number

* 21 is the sum of the first six natural numbers(1+2+3+4+5+6=21)

* 21 is the third star number ( represented by a 3x3 square with a triangle on each side)

* 21 is the smallest number of distinct squares needed to tile a square

* The related musical interval to the ratio 2 : 1 is the octave, the “basic miracle of music”, 
occasionally referred to as a diapason (meaning “across all” in Greek”)

* 21 is the sum of the dots on a dice which represents randomness

* September 21st is the autumn equinox and March 21st is the spring equinox

* 21 is the number of amino-acids

* 21 is the age of maturity-majority in several countries. 
Also the voting age and the legal drinking age

* 21 is the “mirror” number of 12

* 21 is the number of firings in a gun salute honoring royalty 
or leaders of countries or national anniversaries

* 21 has prime factors 3 and 7 (both sacred, symbolic numbers in many cultures and traditions)

Panio21 — Brand Identity

Panio21 — Brand Identity
