Jose (YAYU) Rubert's profile

Inktober 2017 - Part I: Movie badasses

For this Inktober2017, I've decided to draw a movie/tv show badass character everyday. I have forced myself to keep the drawings simple and clean. Here's the first part (movies), hope you enjoy it!
John Wick - "John Wick"
Bryan Mills - "Taken"
Sarah Connor - "Terminator"
John Patrick Mason - "The Rock"
Trinity - "Matrix"
Gogo Yubari - "Kill Bill"
Dutch - "Predator"
Leeloo - "The Fifth Element"
Jules - "Pulp Fiction"
Ellen Ripley - "Alien"
Marion Cobretti - "Cobra"
Imperator Furiosa - "Mad Max: Fury Road"
Blade - "Blade"
O Ren I'Shii - "Kill Bill"
Maximus Decimus Meridius - "Gladiator"
King Leónidas - "300"
Inktober 2017 - Part I: Movie badasses

Inktober 2017 - Part I: Movie badasses
