Teodora Oniceanu's profile

The Gift of Self Importance

Actors in the skies, Chimes of the Divine, 
Egocentric Laughter, brings up meanings' duster...  
                                                                                the joy and the happiness ever-after.
Divine rehearsals,
For perfect appraisals,
Reports from different levels of consciousness.
A Road to Work On
The Stars' Show
Looked up for and revealed from
the Dictionary's point of view.
The selves of myself,
All stars that are gone
with a school of live clouds
ministered by one dead cloud in the sky.

.of Blue.
They are playing, after all,
while he's being asked to become
some rocket science weirdo.
Celebrity Syndrome
Eccentric solutions,
A broken new star
& Multiple heroes off for the Fall.
Embroideries whisper to buildings 
all hopes
For Glorias' walks of shame in the parks...

Now Gloria's coming along with her door.
The Nights of the Sun
Trainiacs songs

la la
LA LA!!!

This is not some cool friendship,
This is playing gay;
Go straight to your buildings and let us stop our stare.
Just, how could you dare!
His voice sounds a little hurt
hers' is in a deep state of preservation.
I once had a System
Surrounded by light
Surreal as always
and always too bright...

For kinders are always in need for warm light.
The Rock Ruler Project
Appreciative doors
and nice toreadors
torment the wisest thinkings
with horns that whisper gently:

Their sighs feeling on your face
wipe out those tears of old
and cold so broken shields
around your soul.

The magnetism of your being is now creating a field of power...
but likely to kill.

On bees that are humming,
On dark melodies,
On lights all surrounding 
The cities new entries;
On wings that look desperate
To burn a new thought
Of whispers that mattered 
in a time of a god
that didn't  quite matter 
for you or for him...
That god was inside you, 
You didn't see through;
That god was inside me
And did help us too. 
The shame of being who I am... 
This Holy Shame!
The Gift of Self Importance


The Gift of Self Importance

Actors in the skies, Chimes of the Divine, Egocentric Laughter, brings up meanings' duster... the joy and the happiness ever-after.
