Profil użytkownika „John Steimle”

LUSH Bubble Bar Sample Pack

LUSH Bubble Bar Samples

This is based off of a current LUSH product, the bubble bar, a bar you drop into the bath tub to create a fun, creative bath experience. However, those "bubble bars" are quite large and expensive for only getting a maximum of two uses out of them. Creating a "sample pack" of these bubble bars seemed like a much more consumer friendly idea. I created two mini bubble bars that would give you one use each and would cost about the same as a normal bubble bar. This can make a great gift for someone as well as a great way to try out a bubble bar before investing in a certain flavor/scent.
LUSH Bubble Bar Sample Pack

LUSH Bubble Bar Sample Pack

A package/product re-design based off of "LUSH Bubble Bars"
