UI Design Concepts

Joyfully created with Adobe XD.

1. Money Savings Dashboard
/ UI Concept

Set goals solo or with a friend or foe and see how big investments and everyday change inches toward a set goal.

2. User Registration
/ UI Concept

A chat bot like registration process for new users. Meant to make an often tedious task feel easier on the body, mind and soul. Full with playful animations, which would show but I can't do motion graphics worth a penny.

3. Payment Method
/ UI Concept

User flows for linking a bank account, adding a credit/debit card and pairing up with cryptocurrency.


Thanks for watching!

PS. I'm open for projects, from prototyping and design (Adobe XD, Sketch, and in the near future Invision Studio) to development (through a partner) and QA. Let's talk!

UI Design Concepts


UI Design Concepts

UI design concepts joyfully created with Adobe XD.
