Non-Verbal Club 的個人檔案


Identity for code developers 

Cosmicode is a newborn app development company focused on projects for the web and mobile devices.

They're also the brilliant league of gentlemen who've coded our website, to whom we'll forever be grateful :) As a result of this creative partnership we were asked to design their visual identity.

The web is nowadays a very flexible world in which things change and adapt their behaviour according to the media or platform they're placed at.
We're no particular fans of static or confined identities and rather prefer open design principles that leave room for interpretation and evolution throughout time. 
Cosmicode's focus on a digital presence provided the perfect opportunity to use some of these responsive principles as a general rule for their communication.

The logo consists of two "squarish" C's, heavily influenced by the aesthetics of retro games and tech. In the print world, these shapes can grow and interact with each other in different ways, becoming more compact or loose, separated or intertwined in different situations. The digital world provides better opportunities for movement, and even then it can have a very fluid or stop motion like animations.

Overall this is a simple design project for a starting tech company. Time will surely provide the opportunity to further develop the language and principles started here.

While the complete portfolio website is still under development, we've resourced to a very simple splash page with a responsive version of the identity. 
The logo adapts itself to the length of your browser window and is reversed to a white version over a black background on the most vertical mobile displays. Visit it here

Art direction and Design
Non–verbal Club, 2016
Header Animation
Stop Motion Animation
Non–verbal Club



Art direction and graphic design for Cosmicode – web and app development tech company.
