Kristin Mentos profil

Layout Design: Camp Testify logo, poster & branding

Camp Testify logo creation and 2017 poster conceptualisation and branding
Brief: Conceptualise and create the logo for Camp Testify and the Camp Testify 2017 poster/flyer artwork. The artwork will also be used to brand the 2017 merchandise.
Challenge: The client wanted a modern-vintage style for the logo and I don't usually create in this style so it was a bit outside of my comfort zone. Once I locked the logo down, and found a background with the right look and feel, I knew that I wanted to create a more typographical poster as opposed to one with many visual, colourful elements. I kept all the tones in line with the sepia, vintage feel and used a combination of thin lines with bold modern fonts and classic vintage-style fonts and elements to bring the concept together. Because I'm a sucker for a good grid formation, all the text looked a bit boring just sitting in the middle of the space so I extended the black banner beyond the grid to create some dynamism on the eye and added a thin, classic broken border to use the space more effectively.
Outcome: See examples of the final products below.
Layout Design: Camp Testify logo, poster & branding


Layout Design: Camp Testify logo, poster & branding
