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datavisualization FAZ Bayreuther Festspiele

The German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine decided to dedicate a 5 page Feuilleton to Wagner and The Bayreuther Festival by means of combining data visuals with comics illustration.
I was asked to design all datavisualization which considered varying data on the Wagner-family, timeline, the opera’s and the festival itself.

The Bayreuther Festival is a renowned opera festival located in Germany. It was founded by Richard Wagner himself in 1876 to bring his operas to the public. Ever since this event is organised yearly (although interrupted by wars) by descender of the Wagner-family and has been visited by many persons of historic importance.

the datavisualization pages
the spreads: the datavisualization and the illustrations of Attila Futaki

Shown below are all individual graphs
the members of the Wagner family that were responsible for the festival, which and how many operas they presented

the timeline of the operas on show
which opera was recomposed (by new conductor) and how many times executed

the ticket-price through the years

Wagners family tree

The thoughts of Wagner, his wife Cosima and her father Liszt
 (the data was made up but the goal was to show some insight in the circumstances of their relations at that time)

The animals of Wagner himself and the animals which were part of the operas

The geneology of the the four-opera cycle The Ring of the Nibelung

The age-difference between Hans Sachs and Eva (the main-characters of the Mastersingers of Nuremberg)
and the comparison with the singers who impersonated them

The fight-scene in the Mastersingers of Nuremberg showing who hit whom

datavisualization: Studio Terp
comics: Attila Futaki
graphic staff FAZ: Thomas Heumann, Nina Hewelt, Holger Windfuhr, Jochen Rößler,  Jens Giesel
editors FAZ: Dr. Jan Brachmann, Dr. Eleonore Büning, Dr. Bernd Fischer
When interested how I got from data to idea/sketch and the design of this visualizations you can read the write-up on the process here: Creating the Bayreuther Festspiele datavisualizations

Selected for the Information is Beautiful Awards 2017 Longlist
Thanks for watching!

Feel free to contact me for further information, collaboration or inquiries
datavisualization FAZ Bayreuther Festspiele


datavisualization FAZ Bayreuther Festspiele

The German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine decided to dedicate a 5 page Feuilleton to Wagner and The Bayreuther Festival by means of combining data Read More
