Daily UI #003
Landing page (above the fold)
"Consider important landing page elements"

» I'm a huge coffee lover! I have a Nespresso-machine at home within arm reach whenever I'm at work. It's not that I need the caffeine, I just like the taste. Anyway, for this challenge I redesigned the landing page of Nespresso and made it more straight to the point: join Nespresso or login. Keeping it simple. I also minimized the menu items. And to add the cherry on the cake: an image of a perfect cup of Nespresso coffee - yum! ;)  
Photo credits Futurebrand
Daily UI #003 is part of my 100 day challenge. 
I would love to know what you think!

Thank you for watching! 
Daily UI #003 - Landing page

Daily UI #003 - Landing page

Daily UI Challenge 003 - Landing page design



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