D R E A M   S T A T E 
Dream State is a digitally printed collection which features an engineer print, zero waste dress and three co-ordinates. This exciting and abstract collection was inspired by the role that dreaming has in relation to emotional and mental wellbeing. Dreaming is a process that helps to organise thoughts and feelings experienced throughout the day so that when we wake, our emotional wellbeing is in balance and updated - therefore we are able to start each day with a fresh, clear and calm frame of mind. My collection highlights the importance of sleep and dreaming. This is portrayed through the use of vibrant colours and surreals techniques to create imagery and promotes dreaming as something that is exciting and magical.

My main design has been engineered to a zero waste dress. The shapes came from one of my automatism drawings, I was able to pull apart the shapes and slot them together to create an all over pattern. The coloured shapes fill the bottom of the dress, the pattern then gradually loses coloured shapes as they reach the shoulder. The lighter purple shapes represent the awake state, while the coloured shapes represent the sleep state (symbolised by the marbling - melatonin). Once dreaming commences, all of the thoughts and feelings experienced that day are organised in the brain - therefore becoming less and less, which is what is happening to the coloured shapes from the bottom to the top of the dress. 

Dream State

Dream State

Engineered print zero waste dress.



Sectores creativos