ATMA is a Home Appliances brand born in the 1930s in Argentina and it’s the oldest brand for small appliances in the country. Back in the day ATMA was known for been fully compromised with the house and the women. Today the story is no different. With a big share of the market, ATMA speaks directly to strong women that love their home.

Products range from cooking, cleaning, conditioning all the way to personal care. They come in a variety of colors and price tags.

The work displayed here is just a small part of a big but slow re-branding process. Product Group Naming, Typography and Layout were the three main pillars of the new brand architecture. We wanted to build a modular layout and choose a versatile font so it could work both on low and hi end products as well.

The first case that saw the re-branding was a Father’s Day campaign. It presented a variety of hair cutters that promoted a change of look. The campaign was a game changer in the market.

Done as a Creative & Art Director at The Rock Instrument Bureau.

ATMA. Father's Day

ATMA. Father's Day

ATMA is a Home Appliances brand born in the 1930s in Argentina and it’s the oldest brand for small appliances in the country. Back in the day ATM Read More
