Perfil de Cecil Short

Learning Theories Infographic

This interactive pdf was created to highlight important information about various learning theories. It was created as an easy reference for instructors and instructional design students. These professionals use the graphic to review different approaches to instruction. Each icon of the graphic is interactive, revealing a hidden layer with additional information.
Above: Base flattened layer, without any active icons.
Above: Information concerning my learning theory categories. Layer is activated using the mountain or scaffold icon.
Above: Behavioral Learning Theory layer, activated with the stop sign icon.
Above: Cognitive Information Processing Theory layer, activated with the numerical process icon.
Above: Situated Learning Theory layer, activated using the group icon.
Above: Schema Theory and Cognitive Load layer, activated with the mind bridge icon.
Above: Gagné's Theory of Instruction layer, activated with the number nine icon.
Learning Theories Infographic
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Learning Theories Infographic

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