The Sassyquatch holiday shorts encompass all that I love in this creative crossroads known as motion graphics. As each year brings a new challenge and thrill, I've been fortunate to contribute in every form: Story development, set fabrication, prop construction, motion control, character animation, editing and compositing. Sassquatch embodies all that I enjoy in my line of work. I see these projects as a work of passion and a milestone for my budding life in the Pacific Northwest.  
Sassy had a tough time in 2016. For the second installment of Strange & Wonderful's "Sassquatch", the internal team tackled all aspects of production. I had my hand in fabrication, character animation, and compositing. The experience was refreshing and cathartic. 
Studio: Strange & Wonderful
Executive Creative Director: Will Hyde
Designer/Compositing: Morgan Fromme
Animation/Compositing: Austin Hochstatter
Editor/Camera Op: Ryan Hills


