Bioactive Silk Ink: RED CROSS
Save a life using design. Question the norm and use existing processes to achieve a new and unique experience. Discover new ways of using existing technology and try and change the way that the particular technology is used and applied. This poster is to be used in conjunction with causes that the Red Cross Society is involved with.
The design of the poster was encouraged by using existing technology in different ways as to achieve a new outcome. The purpose of the poster is to be able to save a person’s life with a piece of paper. This meant that out of the box thinking was needed to come up with the best design solution. The poster also serves as an education tool that educates the users about the Red Cross and causes that the Red Cross deal with. 
Bioactive Silk Ink
Researchers have developed a formulation of regenerated silk fibroin solution that can be used in the printing process. These silk inks can be loaded with various biological components that are used in sensing, therapeutics, and regenerative medicine. This ink is considered to be multifunctional and uses common printing technology to apply it to various materials or surfaces. This can include smart bandages that deliver medication when needed, smart sensing surgical gloves that are able to detect bacteria and many more useful applications. Silk inks containing enzymes, antibiotics, antibodies, nanoparticles and growth factors, have the potential ability to provide more effective methods for therapeutics, regenerative medicine and biosensing technology.
The body copy also provides additional information regarding the technology that is imbedded within the poster. This technology is not apparent to the user at first glance. The main hearing and body copy has been placed in black text. The black text is in contrast with the the rest of the white page. The black text is easily readable and the readability thereof supports the intended message. The special ink technology that is used in this design is used to effectively communicate the intended message to the users. The Bioactive silk ink will activate if the poster is exposed to harmful bacteria. When the ink is activated the poster serves a warning sign to the user that their heart could be in danger. The user will be able to use this poster to monitor their living conditions. This warning system is of good use to the Red Cross as the users will already be more informed about the dangers associated with flooding and the diseases that accompany such an occurrence. The user can be more cautious about getting infected by bacteria thus reducing the work for the Red Cross. If the user is able to self determine that he/she may have been exposed to bacteria the user will be able to more effectively receive medical treatment. It is important to treat disease as soon as possible to reduce the risk of serious illness. If the user able to determine that they have been infected by harmful diseases the work of the Red Cross is reduces as users of the poster will seek self help instead of relying on the Red Cross to come to their assistance.
The poster relies only on typography and no additional images were uses to convey the intended message. Thus the heading of the poster is the hero. The font is large and bold and is the most visual element on the poster. The user’s eye will directly be guided to the heading- reading the most important part and immediately grabbing the attention of the user. The call to action has been placed in the Red Cross red and is the second largest typography item on the poster. The call to action is secondary to the main heading. The user will read the call to action and be intrigued by it. This will then further spark interest and the user will read the body copy.
Successful implementation of the call to action will lead to members of communities being trained and know what to do in the event of an emergency. These trained community members help further the purpose of the Red Cross and could provide vital assistance and knowledge if disaster strikes. These people serve as ambassadors for the Red Cross and can provide help to communities before the Red Cross are able to respond to situations.


An innovative solution by using existing technology to reach a new result. Save a person’s life with a piece of paper.



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