The thing about time is, that no one has set a definition for it. Scientists may have studied it, physicists may have tried to explain and theorize it, but, to sit down and give time one obvious definition, never happened. This makes the idea of time very relative, and complicated yet very simple. I see Time in a lot of things, but never in the clock, because clocks are just a tool that man created to keep track of his days, and his evolution, they have nothing to do with what time actually is. For me, time is a very personal phenomenon, it is something that we experience, feel and touch, but never really notice. 

HERITAGE is my take on the idea of time perception. To me, time lies in those moments that I never forget, the ones that seem to be timeless, parallel to the timeline of my life, never intersecting. These moments identify the word time for me, and this is why I decided to create this book. The book is a collection of mine and my family's timeless moments, trying, in a way, to keep them alive forever. I put my heart and soul creating this book, trying my best to show the idea of time and the emotions that it carries through the littlest details, so that maybe someday this book would be an inspiration for other people to look at Time differently, noticing the beauty of it, and not just the ugliness.  
Trying to make the book as interactive with the user as possible, I placed several pictures that you could flip through, which gives a personal and intimate feeling to the book, as if you are flipping through someone else's memories.
To show the idea of time, the past, present and future, I included different details like showing how a person can still see himself whenever he passes by the place he grew up many years ago.
Each chapter is given a name that means a certain feeling that is related to time, making the reader think about his own idea of time, and so the reading experience becomes more intimate.
I placed little cards with text about time, that could be taken away and put back in the book. This way the reader can take and keep any card he relates to.
My book, displayed at university's annual FASA Premasters Exhibition. 


Without numbers and clocks, what is Time?
