An Islander discovering another island…something magic must come out of it!

I grew up in Reunion Island, another tropical land surrounded by the Indian Ocean.
I developed myself in a multi-ethnic environment where the difference is a pride, a richness, and indifference felt as a default to life. It forged my approach to humanity and my perception of my own existence.

I can’t remember how many times I heard about that special place, where spices fill the air with their subtle fragrances. I build, deep in my mind, a mystical idea around Zanzibar. In early 2016, I decided to explore this myth. Most of the time, I'm trying to meticulously organize my trip before going.

For once, maybe because it felt like going back home, I just planned to be surprised.
Life would carry me around, my intuition as the only companion.
Those perfect conditions for an accomplished Today/StoneTown!

August 14th, 6am. The city woke up slowly.
My bag on my shoulder I asked my friend: "Give me three directions! »
"Right, left, left!’ he said. 
This is how Stone town’s maze swallow me.

For the next 24 hours, I'll be that wanderer, again.


The idea of Today-Project is itself simple: One City - One day - 24 photos.
During 24 hours, I devote myself to the rhythm and movement of a city, carefully chosen. 
Throughout my encounters, I follow my intuition, pursue life and capture what it offers me.
Of this adventure, I select 24 photos - one per hour - and I share it through a dedicated exhibition.
We lived in a world of pictures: it is said that one single picture is more powerful than thousand of words. Where one single picture can reach millions of viewers, in a second, and be easily integrated. It is one of the best tools to communicate, testify, question, celebrate... 
We are more connected than ever but yet, we feel lonelier than ever before.

Today-project aim is to rebuild that connection through visual arts.

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