The Latin Cross
Visual Communication and Research Project
In our visual communication class our assignment through the year was to pick a visual subject to focus on, and make a piece about it. In our piece we had to incorporate 2000 words on the subject. I made a book, and have posted some of the spreads bellow. This was my introduction to my project:

Throughout time we humans have used symbols to visualise an idea, inner meaning, or message so that it will be recognised by others. Its purpose is to communicate a meaning in the easiest way possible. Using symbols like a striped pole outside barbershops, or a white dove to symbolise peace makes it easier for people from different backgrounds to understand a meaning without using words.
In this project I plan on looking at one of the most well know symbols in the western world, the cross. It is the most well known symbol of Christianity, and it is difficult to go a whole day without seeing it in some form in our society. However there is a long history behind the cross, and its history may be different than some people think.
I have always been interested in religion and how if effects the world we live in. For this project I was keen to look into the different symbols and their meaning, but quickly discovered that if I really wanted to go in depth I would have to concentrate on one symbol. The logical choice is the cross, since it is such a huge symbol with a long history, and it is also a symbol that I see daily.
The point of this project is to see if new information about such a well known symbol changes the way we view it. I wanted to find out what sort of emotions it generates in people and if its meaning has changed in recent times with our ever changing society. I want this book to inspire you to challenge the things we are taught, because they may not always be correct.

Spring 2012
The Latin Cross

The Latin Cross

Visual Communication Project about the Latin Cross
