Profil Alessandro Vino

Energy Park Concept - Walking on Infinity

Energy Park Walking on Infinity
The following project is part of the 2nd Trimester of the IMLA (International Master of Landscape Architecture) at Weihenstephan in Freising, Germany. The concept design was developed for the municipality of Garching, which host a large part of the Technical University of Munich, including several research facilities. The wish is to create a large park which would include a research building of 1500 sqm. and a park open to visitors, to experience renewable energies and their positive effects.

The concept is to show the infinity flow of energy by the use of all different renewable sources at our disposal. The Moebius loop is a symbol for an unlimited and unbounded streamline, it diffuses throughout the structural layers in the park. Different moebius loops are applied to several functions (e.g. topography level , paths level). Along the main moebius path various devices create an overall experience of renewable energy use.

The entrance to the park has a topographical formation similar to a suction hole where visitors may enter the main loop. The central-square is embraced by the self-sufficient building which has a facade with bioreactor algae and solar panels. The pavement on the cental square is divided by linear forms which differs in colours and functions (water line, railroad line, vegetation line, recreation line). Their course shall help to lead the visitors to come into the main two-tone infinite Moebius loop. Over the sunken bridge on the lowest level the visitors get on the main bridge up to the highest level called production and farming layer. Continuing on the top of the building the path leads to the arc that crosses over the entrance zone and continues to the starting point.

Energy Park Concept - Walking on Infinity

Energy Park Concept - Walking on Infinity

Student project. Energy park concept design, based on Moebius stripe idea applied to renewable energies.
