Acel Marselin Widjajas profil

RE:PLAY Experiment 1

RE:PLAY Experiment 1
The Material and Outdoor Play
Living in a world of commerce, where there are huge pressures from design industries, designers are often expected to give instant outcomes. The problem of this situation is that designers are becoming afraid of taking risk and experimenting in design process. Eventually, they become obedient and do only as expected.

To stimulate creativity, one needs to take a break from their usual routines and once in a while... PLAY. The act of play is believed to be one of the most genuine and effective forms of creative activity.
The openness of play is able to encourage people in exploring different perspectives.

RE:PLAY is a process driven project that investigates the concept of play in design process. It looks primarily into the process of trying different possibilities, from the first idea to the outcomes.

RE:PLAY aims to remind designers the importance of play and experimentation and to invite them to bring the concept of playfulness into their design process; in order to develop their creative thinking,
and most importantly, to gain back the enjoyment of discoveries and learning experience from the whole journey of creative process.
 The Material Play
 Material: bread, gummy candy, ice cream, jelly,  iron file, leaf, sand, wood, bean sprout, chocolate, icing sugar, ink (rain)
Outdoor Play

These two outdoor projects were chosen to push the idea further, doing it in larger scale. These were a lot more difficult because of the uncontrollable environment and materials. Nevertheless, the process of achieving the final outcomes became more fun and memorable.
Process Flipbooks
As process is crucial for this project, there were a lot of pictures taken during the design process.
All pictures were compiled into small flipbooks.
Thank you for watching!
Feel free to browse other RE:PLAY Projects:
RE:PLAY Experiment 1


RE:PLAY Experiment 1

RE:PLAY is a process-driven project that investigates the concept of play in design process. This is the first stage of RE:PLAY experiment: The Læs mere
