Mowgli's Poster for Adobe MAX 2016

Illustrator Draw
Mowgli's MAX 2016 band poster
Event poster for the live performance by the Mowgli's at Adobe MAX 2016. I collaborated with fellow Adobe designers Lidia Lukianova and Erica Larson on this poster. We worked on concept and color ideas as well as even sharing some of the final illustration duties in Adobe Draw. 

This poster was created using Adobe Sketch, Adobe Draw on the iPad Pro and Adobe Illustrator on a desktop mac. It was printed by the uber talented shop - Mama Sauce

final artwork
Used a few techniques to get the sketch to look the way I wanted in Adobe Sketch. It was based on some early conceptual ideas Erica put together and collided perfectly with finding some rad reference on the site. 
Adobe Draw part of Illustration, you can see we were working in random color scheme at first and planning to change later. 
Quick video showing Lidia's process in Adobe Draw
Original color scheme, thanks Erica for saving me from going kinda blah on that one. But I did a quick side by side effect of what it should look like in the dark just to make sure the effect still conveyed the illustration. 
Pic of the prints drying at MamaSauce, the glow-in-the-dark ink worked great 
Thanks! and be sure to check out both

Lidia Lukianova here
Erica Larson here
Mama Sauce here
Mowgli's Poster for Adobe MAX 2016
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Mowgli's Poster for Adobe MAX 2016

Band poster for Mowgli's for performance at Adobe MAX 2016

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