Ancient Space” was created by media artist ARKTK BERKUT for the Contemporary Art Projection Mapping Сompetition “Art Vision Modern”—a part of the International Moscow Festival “Circle of Light 2016”.
The project supported by Radugadesign studio.

According to the space standards, the whole human civilization—is just a grain of sand, entire life of which lasts a few moments in the huge gap between the Big Bang and the heat death of the universe. The author can not believe that billions of years in countless galaxies could have formed the only one civilization. Probably there are signals of ancient worlds penetrating the vastness of the universe. And probably those worlds ceased to exist even before our planet appeared. And when the Sun will shut down, the signals of our civilization will continue their journey through the spheres of the universe until it remains enough energy to maintain movement and time.

Each frame of this video was created with the help of VVVV—multipurpose toolkit, which is great  for architectural mapping. During the creative process lots of shaders were produced and unique setups were made for the footage. Ray marching technique was used as well.

Code, animation, graphics: ARKTK BERKUT
Sound: Alexander Chernenko

Ancient Space

Ancient Space

Ancient Space” was created by media artist ARKTK BERKUT for the Contemporary Art Projection Mapping Сompetition “Art Vision Modern”—a part of the Развернуть
