An attempt at creating comics in 1991

I would like to think my humor has evolved for the better since I created these.  Or, perhaps, it has just dried out a little more.   Any which way, here are my comics from way back when, in the order I drew them (more or less).  As such, the evolution and improvement of my drawing skills is apparent.  Also of note is that, at some point along the way, I switched from black and gray brush pens to dip pens and India ink.

I always have the urge to rewrite these whenever I look at them.  I expect I shall continue to resist that.  They are what they are: a mix of humor from my early years.

All are on 11 x 14 Bristol board.  The early ones are drawn with brush pens, the later ones are drawn with India ink and dip pens.  1991.
Apparently, I had to take another try at the dialog on this one since the first one just wasn't funny enough.

This one isn't any better.  Darn.
This one is not really part of the rest.  I drew it later for reasons I will not bother to try to explain.


My attempt at comics from 1991.
