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Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery


但是,花小钱办大事向来是我们擅长的做事风格。虽然仅靠一则车身广告很难引起多大轰动,但这次“& Creative Lab”愿意试试,万一就火了呢? 毕竟,“只要创意够好,就能在年轻群体中打开影响力,形成传播效果,将品牌顺利地植入消费者的记忆中。”(——创始人语录)结合世界杯期间夜宵市场火爆的特点,我们把目标集中在球迷年轻人,这波攻势选择以摆渡巴士为载体,游走于各大商业楼之间。


随时能看到市民直播“追鸭子”的景象。轰动引发热议,热议产生舆论,这则在年轻群体中爆炸式被传开的车身广告,还引起很多媒体的持续报道,北京电视台还为此特别进行了采访 ,“叫个鸭子”也应邀接受了许多其他电视台和杂志的访问。关于“叫个鸭子”的后续推广,即将陆续推出。


Beijing Roast Duck is one of the most beloved traditional foods in China. Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery, a roast duck delivery company, who created several new secret recipe of roast duck, has now become quite popular among young people, not only for its good taste, but also for the funny Chinese name, “Call a duck (male prostitutes)”.

To watch games of European Cup, Chinese fans have to stay up till mid-night. Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery decided to be there for them. During European cup, Jiao Ge Ya Zi would be available 24 hours a day, delivering tasty duck cuisine along with passion and energy all over Beijing. The company decided to inform the consumers in a special way. They booked 30 buses media and entrusted “& Creative Lab” to design a bus wraps for them, hoping to create the ambient advertisement in some unique way.

How would a bus wrap be impressive?  “& Creative Lab” gave it a shot. They used the anthropomorphic duck figure of the brand icon, and applied it to the bus body. On each side of a bus, the duck rides on a motorcycle, as if it’s delivering itself to the customer rapidly. Some of its feather is flying off as it rushes forward. The tires of the motor are just the tires of the bus. As the bus moves, the duck rides its motor. Making the traditional bus wraps more lively through fun visual expression.

The ambient advertisement turned out to make a stir, on-line and off-line. The 30 buses traveled all over Beijing, passed by many important landmarks, such as Tian An Men Square, CCTV headquarters, the famous “Bird’s Nest”, etc. And a game of “catching ducks in the city” was hold on line. People who take pictures of the “duck bus” and share them to public account of Jiao Ge Ya Zi , would receive a coupon as reward, driving many young consumers discussed and joined the game on social media.

The interacting of ambient advertisement and social media communication has extended the influence. The campaign has launched for a month in Beijing, exposed to millions of people and attracted tens of thousands of people to join and made a stir among Wechat and Weibo users. Beijing TV and other media have reported the case.

Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery has enhanced its brand awareness among target audiences, making a big effect in China.

Client: Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery
Founder and Chief Creative Officer: Jody Xiong. 
Creative Director: Lin WeiJun
Copywriter: Candy Chen
Art Director: Jody Xiong, Lin WeiJun
Photographer: Beijing TV

Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery

Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery

Jiao Ge Ya Zi Duck Cuisine Delivery.
