The Chali Machine

There is a growing use of memes and trolls amongst Malayalees in a never before manner and magnitude.
The sense of humour, satire and mockery are best showcased at anything and everything that happens around.
People who do it deliver their strips through film clippings or photos that appear in other media using various editing software to present it in social media platforms.
Joining hands with this ongoing storm of ideas is our brand new Chali Machine aka ‘Chalimishyan’. We have here, a set of characters whom we might meet at any point of life. These cartoons/memes are a reflection of common Malayalee culture, a fine combination of wit and wisdom. 
Here , things are made much easier that you just have to click the figures, fill in the dialogues in the bubbles, save it and present. So do not hesitate, make cartoon strips of your own. Let’s laugh together.
Take it for a spin here:
The Chali Machine

The Chali Machine

Joining hands with an ongoing storm of internet memes is our brand new Chali Machine aka ‘Chalimishyan’. We have here, a set of characters whom w Read More
