txtr - Europe's leading ebook store
txtr Feed
As a UX designer at txtr, I worked firsthand on an end-to-end, multi-platform e-reading ecosystem that allows users to discover, purchase, and read eBooks. The txtr ecosystem runs on mobile (iOS, Android), tablet, desktop (Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X), and web apps - in addition to the txtr Beagle, our own e-ink reader.
After a year and a half of working on the company's core UX, I was given my own project to lead: The txtr Feed, an add-on to the iOS app that allows users to collect and share their books, meet like-minded readers and discover their next reads. Leading a team of two developers and one visual designer with me doing UX and product management, I was able to successfully launch the product in time to both the GB & DE App Stores. 
Check out the Android app

- User Research
- User Testing
- Information Architecture
- Interaction Design
- Wireframing & specification
- Product Management
- How to leverage technology to emulate and add value to peoples' reading experiences
- How to help users find the best book recommendations
- What features could enhance the users' reading experience without adding any unnecessary clutter?

- User interviews
- Persona creation
- User journey mapping
- Prototyping
- Guerilla user tests
- Remote online tests
- Moderated user tests
txtr Feed. Usecase: Adding a book to a user's collection.
txtr Feed. Usecase: Navigating inside the app, toggling between the user's Feed of friend's book updates to his profile & collections.
Different features from the app: Read along for children, text selection and annotation, and font and page layout customization. 
The Android Sidebar concept I worked on: Brought more personalization to the app via offering quicker access to the users' last open books, and also simplified the navigation, back behavior and general IA. 
txtr is a free app for Android and iOS - check it out!


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