Profil von Elizabeth Lefebvre

Penguin Pearson Annual Report

Penguin Pearson Annual Report
Annual Report for one of the biggest publishing companies in the world, with the cutest logo
In my Electronic Page Layout Class, I was given the assignment of redesigning an Annual Report. It is no surprise that I desperately had to do a publishing company, and I love the Penguin Logo so much I chose them. Instead of tackling the whole report, which wouldn't be feasible in a few weeks for school work, the cover, a glamor spread and a spread that was almost all type and charts was what was needed.

*This annual report won a Silver Addy at local in 2011
A mock-up of the annual report.
For the cover, I wanted to include the cute logo, but I wanted more to showcase what it is that makes a publishing company; the authors! So The front starts with the A's and the back goes all the way to Z. The plan would be to have interspersed throughout the report all of the author's names, to be printed on a heavy vellum and bound throughout. The spine, of course, had to be their orange.
For this spread I had much I wanted to do. I wanted to show the love of books, with the card catalog and map books, pictures taken at my mother's school library. But I also wanted to show the evolution of Penguin's logo over it's 75 years. I'm sure not many people know that the logo has changed over the years, yet it has! Also, a card catalog, with it's distinct divisions, makes a nice way to create categories based on the decades. For the little Penguin drawing, I used an old page of a Penguin book. No, I did not destroy a book to make this piece! I went to my local used bookstore and went through all the Penguin books until I found an edition of 'David Copperfield' that had it's pages falling out. So, in fact, I gave this book a new life. The headline also uses pages from the book as well as the graphs to come.
How to make a page of numbers interesting? Well, adding a little something extra to the charts and then having a nice folded corner, like a bookmark, adds a little something extra. Even if you should never fold the corners of your books. I had a teacher who said it was like breaking your arm, and I still believe that to this day.
Penguin Pearson Annual Report

Penguin Pearson Annual Report

An annual report for Penguin Pearson Publishing.
