SEKAI - Kuaci Packaging

Kuaci Packaging
The human needs to chat and socialize can’t be separated from snacks consumption, such as kuaci (seeds).
Kuaci consumptions cause the problems of its shell, so we find it’s difficult to have the temporary trash can
and sometimes make an uncomfortable environment
Therefore we make a kuaci packaging which has the shell trash within.   
The product sells two kinds of kuaci that is sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds that have the black and white colours.
This colours difference represents the life balance which inspires our packaging visualization.
The life balance that we were represented is the light and the dark that makes the day (sun) and the night (moon) and identical with eclipse phenomenon.
One of the legendary mythology about eclipse is came from Japan.
SEKAI is a Japanese form of “world”.
best packaging at ultigraph awards 2016
honorable awards: problem solver at ultigraph awards 2016​​​​​​​
SEKAI - Kuaci Packaging

SEKAI - Kuaci Packaging

a kuaci packaging which has the shell trash within.
