Eye Donation is the one kind of organ donation where the actual donation is done only after Donor’s death. Donor’s responsibility just does not stop at the time he take the pledge to donate but it becomes donor’s as well as his family’s responsibility. Doctors of this field, find a serious need of education of the donor and his family, so that they can ensure that the donor’s wish is fulfilled. For that there is a need to make the donor and his family, aware about its necessity, the myths, and the procedures and precautions they need to take, in case they want to make a successful donation.
 Figuring out the various communication channels possible.
The solution lies in finding the right channels of communication and bring out the information in the most accessible areas. I concluded the project with posters and leaflets that tell the people why to donate eyes rather than what to do. My concept was the 1=2 campaign, which is actually telling readers that one donor can bring vision back to two blind person.
Poster. Screen Printed. To be placed in A1 size.
Exploration imagery and language.
The documentation for the project is uploaded as a *.pdf on issuu.com, for further reference. It includes the research involved and the design process.
1 equals 2

1 equals 2

Eye Donation awareness in Urban context
