Profil Mellyssa Diggs

The Mechanical Beauty of Steampunk


To design an 80 page book using strong concept and visual language system.
My concept is The Mechanical Beauty of Steampunk. I wanted to focus on giving the design a non-modern look, but still remaining true to the ideal todays world of design and minimalism. I purposefully wanted to stay away from the obvious and showing too many gears and machinery throughout the booklet. Instead, I wanted to focus on intricate details and ornamentation using detailed and elegant imagery to present what Steampunk is. 

This project is for GR 601 Type Systems class in the Graphic Design Graduate School of Academy of Art University. This project is simply for learning how to typeset numerous amounts of text. Some elements in this work may use purchased photos and Internet image resources. The copyright of those elements belongs to the original authors, and are credited. Credits page is added at the end of the booklet.
The Mechanical Beauty of Steampunk


The Mechanical Beauty of Steampunk

To design an 80 page book using strong concept and visual language system. My concept is The Mechanical Beauty of Steampunk. I wanted to focus on Další informace
