Content creation - Notabag

On March 2016 was commended to us the creation of 5 lifestyle images for the german brand Notabag. It was a great honor being contacted by them as they were the announced german design award 2016 winners.
We started pre production meetings with Adnan and Daniela, throwing ideas and looking after some path to develop a concept to showcase their products. Adnan was very interested in our paper sculpting works but very open minded for our suggestions in different materials and approaches.
I remember that the most interesting feature of the product was its capability of transforming itself in different shapes for several purposes. So decided to propose a magic character/spirit that would show and interact with the notabags in these stages. Adnan liked a lot the idea of transformation guided by a magic character, as most of the times people get stunned by the way the product became something different in one step... The sketching process started!
These were the final approved sketches. We decided to construct everything with coloured paper and take serious the idea of a complete story behind the photoshoot.
The final images turned out very well and really close to the approved sketches! It was a great experience working for talented people who trusted in our work and gave us the liberty to propose and have fun while the project was constructed!
We also made the product photography set for their e-commerce site.
Client: Notabag
Creative direction/ Ph / Set design: Andrés Calderón @andrescalderonphoto
Art / Production assistant: Tatiana Velásquez @tata.velasquez3
PH Assistants:
Johan Beltrán @johanf1.1
Luis Martínez @luismartinezf1
Digital retouching: @RafaSeoanes
March 2016
Thanks for watching!!!
Content creation - Notabag


Content creation - Notabag

Client: Notabag Creative direction/ Ph / Set design: Andrés Calderón @andrescalderonphoto Art / Production assistant: Tatiana Velásquez Read More
